revbilly poster

Reverend Billy Talen’s Sermon on the Sea at the UCSC Art Department

Monday, April 18th, 12PM

Reverend Billy will be presenting a Sermon on the Sea in the Art Department Courtyard at high noon.

In celebration of the release of his new book, The Earth Wants YOU!, Reverend Billy will perform a special Sermon on the Sea at UC Santa Cruz's Baskin Art Studios in the Art Department Courtyard at 12 pm. Refreshments, conversation and book signings will follow outside the E.A.R.T.H. Lab,  DARC 229. Refreshments courtesy of the Institute for Arts and Sciences.

Bill Talen (Reverend Billy) is founder and creator of Reverend Billy and the Stop Shopping Choir, a New York City based radical performance community, with 50 performing members and a congregation in the thousands. They are self-professed wild anti-consumerist gospel shouters and Earth loving urban activists who have worked with communities on four continents defending community, life and imagination. For over 15 years, Reverend Billy and the Stop Shopping Choir have preached against consumerism and militarism as the devils of contemporary society. For more information see

The Earth Wants YOU is a motivational handbook for earth activists, filled with inspired visions of a wild, creative, Earth-led cultural revolution.

"You must check out the newest from my favorite transcendent and down to Earth preacher."  —Laurie Anderson

Presented by E.A.R.T.H. Lab with additional support from, IAS, Porter College, the Art Department, Sesnon Gallery and the Education for Sustainable Living Program.