The E.A.R.T.H. Lab produces symposiums exploring current issues of the day. Our first one was Environmentalism Outside the Box, the second explored Soil, then we explored Fire which we will incorporate into our film) and our most recent symposia, EcoSex and the City, took place at Performance Space New York.
We make feature documentaries as well as shorts exploring various environmental viewpoints, elements and practices. Our most recent was Water Makes Us Wet, about the pleasures and politics of water in California.
Assuming the Ecosexual Position:
The Earth as Lover
The story of the artistic collaboration between the originators of the ecosex movement, their diverse communities, and the Earth. University of MN Press.
The Park As Lover: A Walking Ritual
June 22, 2024 Düsseldorf, Germany The Park as Lover, in the Lantz’sch Park (the People’s Park) in Düsseldorf, Germany where we will explore and honor the park by walking in and around it.
Warsaw Exhibition: Splash
As part of that exhibition, we also marched in the Lesbian and Gay Pride Parade, plus we did Eco+Hydrosexuals Unite at Gallery lokal 30.
Sprinkle Stephens
Annie Sprinkle & Beth Stephens: The Collaboration. For the most up to date news and information about the co-founders work check out their website. For more information on specific projects click on Weddings and Clinics.

Here Come the Ecosexuals
The E.A.R.T.H. Lab loves a road trip adventure. We've explored the most beautiful and the most environmentally devastated places around the U.S.A.
The E.A.R.T.H. Lab’s co-directors developed this new field of research, exploring the places where sexology and ecology intersect.

Love Art Lab
Elizabeth M. Stephens and Annie M. Sprinkle, are an artist couple committed to doing projects that explore, generate, and celebrate love. We utilize visual art, installation, theater pieces, interventions, live-art, exhibitions, lectures, printed matter and activism.

Earth Lab Mobile Unit
The Pollination Pod is our pop-up theater and multi-media mobile unit when we need to be on the go.
The E.A.R.T.H. Lab, has been germinating during the pandemic but now we are headed back to school and our projects are springing into life. We produce art, performance projects and gatherings focusing on collaborative environmental and social justice issues. We love the as possibilities that emerge from mutual exchanges between research, creation, and experimentation. New hybrid practices generated from close, interactive project work deepens engagement with our natural environments and with each other.

Our Pollination Pod and the E.A.R.T.H. Lab mobile unit on the road again!
E.A.R.T.H. Lab supports new projects by inviting cutting-edge artists, theoreticians, and others who work on the boundaries of environmentalism, social justice, gender and sexuality studies, and technology as visiting artists and scholars in residence. The Lab mentors undergraduate and graduate students and includes them as assistant researchers and collaborators in our projects.
The center's research is made for a broad range of audiences. Through artworks, performances, seminars, symposiums and publications focusing on interdisciplinary projects organized around environmental, ecological and social justice issues and projects we engage communities that are often excluded from environmental and ecological art works. These include LGBTQIA2+E people, communities of color, and other magical folks. Everyone is encouraged to participate.
The theory and critical approaches of various disciplines from the arts, sciences and humanities are also highlighted and incorporated into the center's projects and presentations. We encourage collaboration across artistic and critical methods, and across different disciplines. Get in touch and let's see what we can make happen.